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What is the role of a Spiritual Director?

'The task of the spiritual director is to be positioned, like a campfire in the wilderness, welcoming sojourners from all corners of life to stop, relax and yarn for a while. A place where tired bodies and spirits are warmed by the fire and refreshed. A friendly atmosphere where where stories of the road are shared amongst doesn't matter where on the journey the traveller has been exploring, or how long they have been walking, if they come in peace to sit on a log by the campfire, they are welcome'
Simon Brown


The role of a Spiritual Director is not to fix you, nor do they offer a form of accountability that keeps you performing or meeting goals. Rather they are there as a soul friend, someone who holds space for you to express what is true for you. They create a safe listening environment offering helpful questions, observations and moments for prayer and reflection. They can help you explore life giving rhythms and spiritual practices as you seek to make sense of your journey and cultivate your relationship with God.



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