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What is Spiritual Direction & is it for me?

'Spiritual Direction is the contemplative practice of helping another person or group awaken to the mystery called God in all of life, and to respond to that discovery in a growing relationship of freedom and commitment.' James Keegan, SJ


Spiritual Direction is a confidential, non-judgemental space where we take time to slow down, notice, and explore the inner dynamics that are present to you, including the ways that God is active in your life.
There are many reasons why you may feel drawn to accompaniment. You may be seeking a deeper and more fulfilling faith that can sustain you in the ordinary rhythms and challenges of life, or it could be that your spirituality is changing and this feels confusing and disorientating. You may be looking for a companion to help you explore what matters and what feels
authentic - a season of change could be approaching and you need help discerning a new direction. Perhaps, like many people, you long for a safe space to articulate questions, challenges, doubts, pain and struggles.
Experience has shown that spiritual direction has helped people to:

  • Discover God’s presence & activity in new ways that feel satisfying, rich and authentic to their season of life

  • Encounter the sacred in the ordinary

  • Cultivate meaningful and nourishing formational practices that engage the heart, mind & body

  • Move towards sustainable rhythms of life

  • Grow in their discernment & processes around decision making

  • Become free from unhelpful beliefs

  • Learn how to be still and feel rested within the demands & stresses of life

  • Gain new insights and endurance to journey through difficult seasons & times that feel dry

  • Grow in inner freedom from the challenges that can hinder growth

  • Experience greater inner freedom to follow God more in alignment with who they are

  • Feel supported & encouraged - especially those serving in ways where there is a need for a safe, confidential and nurturing space

In light of this, spiritual direction is for anyone seeking to deepen their relationship with God and explore the dynamics of their life - no matter where they find themselves!



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