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About Me

When choosing a Spiritual Director, it's important that you feel comfortable with the person accompanying you, so here you will find some additional information about my life, training, experience, affiliations and code of practice.

I currently live in the South West of England and I am married with two adult children in their early twenties. As a creative soul, I love art, theatre, film and music. I also enjoy painting, reading, films, walking, good food and spending quality time with friends and family.
My faith journey began in my late teens and like many it has been a wonderful walk of cliff tops, deep valleys and everything between!
Before studying Theology, Philosophy and Religious Studies in my early twenties, I spent time living and volunteering overseas. After marriage and settling into family life in my mid-twenties, I trained in the field of education where I taught and held several leadership roles. In 2004 my husband and I had the privilege of planting a vibrant church which we led for 18 years. In 2020 we sensed an invitation to transition from our leadership roles to pursue a more focused vocation in Spiritual Direction. In June 2022, we entered this new season.
My particular interest in spiritual formation began early in my faith journey; however, it was my own desire and need for a deeper and more sustaining spirituality that led me towards contemplative practices and spiritual accompaniment. Over time, these rhythms helped me to slow down, notice, and encounter God’s presence in a way that would nourish and help me experience the sacred in both the ordinary moments and challenges of life. As my passion for formation developed, I trained as a Spiritual Director and, having worked in education and church leadership for nearly 30 years, it is now my delight to offer this kind of accompaniment to others also seeking a richer and more fulfilling experience.


My joy as a spiritual director is to be a soul friend; someone who holds space for you to express what is true for you, no matter the season. My commitment to you is to create a safe and confidential listening environment in which I will offer helpful questions, observations and moments for prayer and reflection. I can also help you to explore life-giving rhythms and spiritual practices as you seek to make sense of your journey and cultivate your relationship with God.


I have been offering Spiritual Direction for five years having trained with Sustainable Faith. I am affiliated to the London Centre of Spiritual Direction and committed to their code of professional praxis. I regularly attend supervision and take time to pursue continuing professional development. I also offer The Spiritual Exercises which has been both helpful and life-giving in my own journey. 


London Centre of Spiritual Direction

Certification, Qualifications & CPD

2024 Debriefing | Dr. Deborah Hawker PhD DClinPsy (CPD)

2023 Church of England NST commissioned Spiritual Abuse and Healthy Cultures| Replenished Life (CPD)

2023 Working With The Shadow | London Centre of Spiritual Direction | (CPD)

2022 Journeying Through Faith Shifts | London Centre of Spiritual Direction | (CPD)

2022 Cert Ignatian Spirituality & The Spiritual Exercises | Sustainable Faith

2021 Theology & Trauma | Sarum College | (CPD)

2020 Mental Health First Aid | MHFA

2019 Cert Spiritual Direction (2 Years) | Sustainable Faith 

2017 Diploma Art Therapy | Bath City College

2016 Modern Slavery Human Trafficking | Unseen UK (CPD)

2015 Post Graduate Cert Leadership & Ministry | University of Winchester | Sarum College

2002 Post Graduate Certificate in Education | Bath Spa University

1999 BA (Hons) Education & Theology and Religious Studies | Roehampton Institute | University of Surrey


I’ve been honoured to work with some amazing human beings and am deeply grateful for their willingness to share their experiences. Scroll below and see what some of my clients had to say.

I had never had a Spiritual Director and, to be honest, wasn’t quite sure what it was but I knew, as a leader, I needed something more to live this life to the full. Then I met Sam.  She explained the role of spiritual direction and has companioned me on this incredible journey focusing on how I am experiencing God in MY life.  Not just for those I lead and love. I have been able to lean into the mysteries of living in the ‘Now and the Not Yet’ of the Kingdom.  To sit with everything from joy to disappointments and explore how I am experiencing God in and through these.  Sam brings an incredible gentleness, wisdom and asks questions that just raise my level of insight and understanding. 


L. Archer Church Planter & Leader

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