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Offering Spiritual Direction, Retreats, & Debriefing Within The Christian Tradition

Hello & Welcome


Creating a safe and hospitable space for anyone looking to explore their spirituality and walk with God.


My name is Sam Whiley and I am a Spiritual Director rooted within the Christian tradition. I am drawn to contemplative expressions of faith and love creating a safe and hospitable
space for anyone looking to explore their spirituality and walk with God.
Over the years, I have had the honour of accompanying people from all walks of life looking to journey with a greater sense of intentionality, authenticity and connection to the divine. Many of these people are church leaders, CEOs, therapists, spiritual directors and creatives.
My interest in spiritual formation began early in my faith journey; however, it was my own desire and need for a deeper and more sustaining spirituality that led me towards contemplative practices and spiritual accompaniment. Over time, these rhythms helped me to slow down, notice, and encounter God’s presence in a way that would nourish and help me experience the sacred in the ordinary moments and challenges of life.
As my passion for formation developed I trained as a Spiritual Director and, having worked in education and church leadership for nearly 30 years, it is now my delight to offer this kind of accompaniment for others also seeking a richer and more fulfilling experience.

My joy as a Spiritual Director is to be a soul friend; someone who holds space for you to express what is true for you, no matter your season. My commitment to you is to create a safe and confidential listening environment in which I will offer helpful questions, observations and moments for prayer and reflection. I can also help you to explore life-giving rhythms and spiritual practices as you seek to make sense of your journey and cultivate your relationship with God.


If you are curious about spiritual direction and whether this may serve you in this season of your life, please take time to explore these pages and connect with me if I can be of further help. ​You can find more information about my life experience, training, qualifications, affiliations and code of practice  



Looking forward to meeting you!





I’ve been honoured to work with some amazing human beings and I am deeply grateful for their willingness to share their experiences. Take a moment to see what some of my clients had to say about spiritual direction.

I had never had a Spiritual Director and, to be honest, wasn’t quite sure what it was but I knew, as a leader, I needed something more to live well. Then I met Sam.  She explained the role of spiritual direction and has accompanied me on this incredible journey focusing on how I am experiencing God in MY life.  Not just for those I lead and love. I have been able to lean into the mysteries of living in the ‘now and the not yet’. To sit with everything from joy to disappointments and explore how I am experiencing God in and through these.  Sam brings an incredible gentleness, and wisdom and asks questions that raise my level of insight and understanding. 


Lynne Archer | Church Planter & Pastor

What I offer & how I can serve you 

There are several ways I companion people looking to explore and nurture their faith journey. 

One to One

I offer one to one appointments in person or online. I currently work with people from various countries so distance need not be a barrier! Meetings are usually monthly for one hour and are charged on a sliding scale of £45 to £50 per session. I am also available for mentoring as well as spiritual direction.


Please contact me to schedule an exploratory call if you are interested in working with me.



More about Spiritual Direction


Ignatian Exercises

The Spiritual Exercises is a journey of meditations, prayers, and contemplative practices developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Designed to help people deepen their relationship with God, these prayers have enriched the lives of countless people throughout the world - from various denominations and backgrounds.

Considered to be world-renowned and a timeless spiritual classic, it is my delight to offer this "retreat in daily life".


For more information please visit the link below.



The Ignatian Exercises



I am available to facilitate retreats, training

days, and various group - based activities. I have experience in facilitating formational sessions for senior and regional leadership teams, as well as offering a form of "debriefing" for anyone transitioning a particular season of service. Throughout the year, I also offer various creative retreats based at Court Street Gallery and Ammerdown Retreat Center.


If you would like to explore how I can help, please email me with the details of your request. Additionally, please check out my retreat page to see scheduled retreats.​​



Upcoming Retreats



Do you feel the need to pause, to take a moment to locate yourself in life's journey? Are you in the midst of transitioning roles, ending a job, or completing a pastoral or ministerial position? A debriefing retreat provides a nurturing and confidential environment to tell your story—what feels relevant, true, and important to you. It offers a space to process past events and their impact on you, and to glean valuable wisdom, insights, and hope for the future. While this is not a therapeutic space, my husband Jason and I hope that our personal experience, together with  training in spiritual direction and debriefing, will be helpful as you continue to make sense of your path. ​For more information please connect with me.


Connect With Me


Frequently Asked Questions

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